Sunday Worship
Sunday School at 9:30
Worship Service at 10:45
We strive to be a Christ-centered community whose mission it is to connect people to God, to one another and to go out in Jesus’ name to minister to a broken and hurting world.
Sunday Morning Schedule
September 22nd to June:
Sunday School ~ 9:30 - 10:30
Worship Service ~ 10:45
July & August:
Worship Service ~ 10:00
Our services typically last a little over an hour. During this time we will worship God through a mix of traditional and contemporary music. Feel free to sing along, or enjoy listening to and reflecting on the words. We will spend time reading and studying the Bible together, while being encouraged to apply God’s Word to our lives today.
You’ll find everything from casual clothes to dress clothes at our Sunday services. Come in what is comfortable for you, because church is not about what you look like or what you wear.
Each week part of our service is worshiping through giving tithes and offerings back to God. As a guest, there is no obligation for you to give. This is an act of worship for our regular attenders, allowing them to thank God for all of the great work He is doing in their lives. It also gives our church the means to reach more people for Christ in the future.
During the service we encourage children to engage in the worship service. Most weeks we offer ‘Wee Church’ for ages 3-5 during the morning sermon, in which case children have the opportunity for an age-appropriate message upstairs during the sermon, if available, this will be announced. There is also a nursery at the end of the hallway by the washrooms for parents with infants and toddlers.
Sunday School
Throughout the school year we offer Sunday School before our morning worship services for all children and adults at 9:30 AM
We celebrate communion monthly as an act of worship and remembrance of the sacrificial death of Jesus, while we await His triumphant return. If you are worshiping with us on a communion Sunday we respectfully ask if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and are living in right relationship with God, then you are welcome to participate in receiving the gluten-free bread and grape juice with us. If you have not dedicated your life to Jesus, or feel uncomfortable in participating in communion, please simply pass the tray to your neighbor.